Monday, July 14, 2014

8 ways to make yourself feel better.

Did you just get a bad mark? Break-up? Have a major fight? Get in trouble at work? Get a bad haircut? Or generally just feel crappy about yourself/life in general. It
happens, all you can do is try to feel better.

1) Girl, put on some lipstick. I'm not talking your fave nude, or everyday go-to, because clearly thats not cutting it today. You need something brighter and bolder. My FAVOURITES are NYX soft matte lip cream - they're only $6 my go-to shade is 'San Paulo', its a deep pink that I LOVE.

2) Get some comfort food. On a diet? TOO BAD. Guess its your cheat meal (which you should be doing anyways). For me its this delicious fry gravy and cheese magic called poutine. Im lucky enough to have a poutinerie that makes magic combinations including: butter chicken poutine, pizza poutine, pulled pork poutine, and even bacon cheeseburger poutine. Its the BEST. Yours might be fancy coffee and one of those giant cookies those coffee shops always have, a slice (or four) of pizza, some nachos maybe. Whatever is its, grab a book and go sit and EAT. 

3) Buy yourself something nice. I like to do this online because it keeps me from impulse buying everything on sale at the store. And if its makeup, electronics, etc. I like to research and compare the hell out of it. Also getting it shipped to you gives you something do look forward to! (who doesn't love getting something in the mail?!)

4) Cook something major. It could be a meal, or a dessert or both. Just get on pinterest, find yourself something that looks delicious, and get cooking. Only do this if you have, like, unlimited time (like the rest of the evening for example). Trying to cook something new at 5pm when you have to be somewhere at 6pm is a BAD IDEA. Give yourself a lot of time to figure it out, taste test, and enjoy it once its done! BONUS: if its nasty see #2.

5) Buy a scratch ticket pack. I do this every Friday, and I never, ever win big, but I usually win something (anywhere from $2 to my personal jackpot of $25). I spend $5 and get the pack of 3 cards and I think its darn fun, even if I only win $2 I get super excited. And hey, who knows when you'll kick that crossword of bingo card's ass and win like $100 or maybe even $10000 !

6) Work it, girl.  Exercise. Endorphins. "Happy people don't kill their husbands". Yeah. Go to the gym, go for a run, go to a class (Zumba and Yoga always do it for me). Even if you just hit the elliptical and watch TLC or HGTV ( full disclosure: sometimes I go to the gym solely to get my Toddlers in Tiaras and Love it or List it fixes) it will make you feel much better. 

7) Clean your fu@%*^$ room. Living in a mess can be one of the most frustrating and stressful things. Put on some great music ( ) and get going. While your at it PURGE. Throw out anything and everything that you don't need or want anymore (especially clothes) . See diagram below for guide.

8) Do NOTHING(ish). And my nothing I mean be the laziest mother trucker around. Take a nice bath, make yourself some microwave popcorn and fire up the netflix or watch endless re-runs of friends. Then go to sleep and sleep until you don't feel like sleeping anymore. 

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