Saturday, April 20, 2013

DIY hair lightener

i have a huge problem with paying 12+ $$ for 'expert' hair lighteners.
so i made my own.
and it works .. REALLY WELL

You need:
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil ( to reduce damage)
1 cup hot water
an old spray bottle

combine and voila.

apply to damp hair and go outside in the sun.
except for if its shitty out or if you want results right meow.
then just set your hair dryer on high and blow dry your hair,
the heat will activate the lemon juice and lighten your hair.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April fools y'all

So .. April fools gets pretty serious. Here is the best prank ever :

In this household EVERYTHING is white. And nail polish is banished to the furnace room in the basement. If its anywhere else it is a BIG deal.

So , take an old ugly nail polish and pour it onto a piece of plastic. Let it dry for a few days, then cut around the spill and bottle . Strategically place on furniture and watch the freakout .