Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Commandments of Fitness

So I'm sure that you've heard of the famous "THEY" (who are they anyways) saying that the elusive 6-pack you're bangin' out 1000's of crunches and hours of planks for is actually more diet than exercise, and this goes for weight loss/toning of the rest of your body as well. The thing is ... THEY might be ABSolutely right. 

This I have learned from experience. From waking up at 6am and going to the gym, then hitting it again either at lunch or in the evening and seeing no results. It is frustrating and it makes you want to quit. I didn't want to admit that the problem might have been the chocolate bar I ate at work, or the pizza pops I had for dinner. How could it be? I was working so hard! 

But then I read an article which I now cannot remember the name of or site. 

To get fit, or thin, although I'm not a huge supporter of the 'get skinny campaign' (maybe because I'm not ;) ) this is what you need to understand:

1) It is a LIFESTYLE change. Not a crash diet, not a magic pill or a one time juice cleanse. 

2) It truly is 80% diet , 20% exercise. So shop the perimeter of the grocery store (fruits & veggies, meat, fresh bread, dairy) and maybe venture into the depths of the aisles to grab some peanut butter. But its good for you to cheat sometimes, so you don't burn out and give up completely. Grab pizza with your friends, eat popcorn at the movies.. you get the picture. 1 or 2 cheats a week is ok. One bad meal won't make you fat , just like one good meal won't make you skinny.

3) You do need to exercise. A great rule is to do 30 mins or 3 miles, every. damn. day. More is great! but make sure you get one of those in.

4) For gods sake drink more water. It's like the easiest thing you can do. 

5) Lift some weights. Especially if you want a booty. Do some weighted squats, lunges, and dead lifts. Do some shoulder presses, and chest presses and curls.  

I PROMISE you will not look like this : 

You have NO idea how much this gal does to get this. She is dedicated to an insane diet and a gym routine you probably can't even dream of. Lifting some weights will not make this magically happen to you. I promise. 

You may however find yourself looking like this: 

<-- This also does not happen by accident. But it is a more realistic representation of what will happen to your body if you start lifting some heavy(ish) weights to add to your cardio routine. (dat ass)

However you choose to go about it, I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of fitness.


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